JavaScript: Is this a number?
Dynamic typing and JavaScript sometimes don’t fit together so well. This is especially important for numbers. A numeric value in a variable is not always declared as a number, although in theory it can only take numeric values.
So how should one check whether it is a number “in the broadest sense” that can be used for further calculations?
In the internet there are numerous suggestions and ideas, which however mostly define a wrong return value for certain value types (objects, arrays, zero, …) and interpret this value as a number, which causes exceptions in the further process.
Here’s my proposal, which intercepts everything that got in my way so far.
function isNumber(number) {
return !!(number && typeof number !== 'object' && !isNaN(number));
isNumber(1) => true
isNumber("1") => true
isNumber("1a") => false
isNumber("abc") => false
isNumber(null) => false
isNumber(undefined) => false
isNumber([]) => false
isNumber({}) => false